

Modifying Gwar

Gravwars is a multi player client/server space artillery game where capitol ships do battle at long or short range with various weapons. There are also planets and black holes to bend the arc of flying weapons. It features wormholes, black holes, MIRVs (remember Scorched Earth), guided weapons, lasers, multiple band scanners and shields. Star bases and ground based and orbital planetary defenses also will try to destroy your ship. To take out ground defenses some ships are equipped with mechas which must be air dropped and then use their internal thrusters to land on the planet to do combat.

Right now game play is separated into campains that are made of individual levels. There are also plans for a more open ended mode of game play in which you are set in the game with a minimal ship configuration that can be upgraded salvaging salvaging dead enemys and collecting bountys, but that will only take place when i've gotten past the version 1.0 mark. Right now this thing is still a work in progress, but you can download it to play around with. Logo