Name | Discription |
Pod ![]() | The MKII Personel and Supply Transport Pod, or Pod for short, is standard issue on almost any Terran cappital ship. They are fast and versital short range freighters well adapted for deploying and recovering ground forces as well as gathering supplies. |
APC ![]() | The MKIIIa Personel and Supply Transport Pod is the Terran standard APC. It is a heavily armored pod outfitted with treads and a 50cal. chain gun. It is ideal for deployment of troops into hostile envirments where standard pods would be to vonerable. |
Commando ![]() | The GSM32a Commando is the basic Terran superiority mecha. By default they are equiped with 8 colbra missles, twin 75cal. chainguns, and a flight pack. There predecessor, the GSM18 Ground Trooper, was first deployed in World War V; however, their flight thrusters never worked properly and their generators were prone to fatal overloads. Sence the deployment of Commandos in The Terran and Vill War, Ground Troopers were quickly phased out. |
Thexen ![]() | The GSM122 Thexen is an Ultra light mecha designed for its lightning fast attack reflexes. It is equiped with high power legs and a static energy saber making it ideal for tearing apart its enemys in close-up combat. It also features a low powered particle gun, but it lacks sufficiant firepower for it to be usefull under most cercumstances. |
Over_lord ![]() | The GSM68 Overlord is the newest addition to the Terran Federation's ground forces and is perhaps the most powerful superiority mecha in the universe. It is armed with four 9inch simultaneously firing impact cannons, twin half-kiloton atomic howitzers, and four Osirus cluster missles. It's only major draw back is it's lack of thursters requiring that a pod be used to deploy and recover it. |
IPBV ![]() | Inter-Plantary Balistics Vehicles or IPBVs are massive ground vehicles loaded with any variety of heavy balistics missles (MIRVs, Larapa, Nukes, StarClusters, etc) |
PDA![]() | PDA or Planetary Deffense Artillary is really a generic term for any variety of large artillary battery with extraplanetary firing abilities. The most common Terran PDA used today is the AR12 Falcon's Claw, a tank like truck using a powerful mass-driver pointed heavenward. |
Name | Discription |
Flee![]() | Fleess are some what of a cross between a light superiority mecha and an APC. They possess great manuverabilty along will a reasonablly thick shell to protect its troops and cargo. Although its small pulse weapon is of little consiquince against another mecha, it could easily clear out a small batallion of infantry. |
Spider![]() | Spiders are the standard Vill superiority mecha. With negligible armor and a pair of small pulse cannons, they rely on their manuverablity and numbers to out flank more powerful enemy mecha. |
Tick![]() | Ticks are about as basic as mecha come. They are small, unarmed, hard to hit, and easy to kill pests. Be aware, however, allowing them to get to close to you can lead to rapid dismemberment as they have powerful, bottom mounted, claws. |
Scorpion![]() | Scorpions are more of a small artillary platforms than mecha. More than one careless Commando has met its end to one of its Pyroclaw missles. Their bigest drawback is a very limited supply of ammo. Once expended Scorpions are little more than walking skeet. |
Arachnid![]() | These four leged behomoths are one of the most awesome weapons in the Vill's armory. Their massive beam cannons can eassily target and destroy almost any ship within it's line of sight. |
Name | Discription |
Shuttle![]() | The Morvul adaptation of a pod. Recognizing the inherant problems of Terran pods, shuttles were engeneered with thicker armor and a larger troop capacity; thus, doing away with the need for a seperate APC model. |
Rover![]() | M12 Rovers are actually Terran hovertanks used in World Wars V, VI, and VII but latter decomitioned as Commandos phased out the use of combat vehicles. The Morvuls brough a number of them over the black market during the earlly years of their rearmament program. Many of them have been recommitioned with updated weapon systems and are now used at many of their smaller ground bases. |
OutLaw![]() | Outlaws where the first mecha design created by the Morvul. Battle mecha where considered one of the most contraband form of weaponry during the Vill dominion because at this time the Vill still had no mecha of their own to counter them with; thus, its name. Unlike other models which are tipically designed under the notion that it will fight other mecha, Outlaws are armed almost exclusively as personel destroyers. They are equiped with two high-yeild mortar types and a multi-warhead rocket launcher. |
Thundran![]() | The Morvul take on a superiority mecha. They are fast and moderately armored. Their quad Vulcan Cannons can quicklly reduce any opposition into shrapnel. Their only real disadvantage against a commando is their lack of any missles. |
Mega_Duke![]() | The Mega Duke is in many ways the inverse of a Thundran. It has a single, long rang, 20in. cannon as well as a power sabre for melee combat, they are also relitivly slow and well-armored. They were originally designed to fight in coelition with Thundrans(to make up for eachother's short comings) but because every Morvul general has their own strong opinions about each model, they are rarely seen opperating together. |
Star_Gazer![]() | AR14 Stargazers are another type of Terran PDA design. They were actually developed after the AR12 Falcon's Claw, but the use of hover engens limited the power of it's cannon. Not aware of this draw back, Morvul espinage stole this design before we began it's manufacture. The Movrul from time to time feal foolish for this oversight but when ever we loss a ship to one of our own weapons I'm sure it makes them feal a lot better. |
Name | Discription |
Liche ![]() | Super-stealth personel carriers. By the time your radars start to notice the wake of one of these elusive APCs they have already deployed their troops well into your ranks. |
Shadow_Crawler ![]() | Shadow Crawlers are true masters of ambush: by the time they see you, you are an easy mark for their guided helix. And by the time you see them, they are already in possition to hew you down with their devistating power lance. |
Name | Size | Mass | Armor | Speed | Maneuverability | Weapons |
Pod | 15.0 m | 5.0 mtn | 50 mm | | good | none |
APC | 15.0 m | 6.0 mtn | 200 mm | medium | poor | 50cal |
Commando | 10.0 m | 2.8 mtn | 120 mm | fast | good | Twin75cal, Colbra |
Thexin | 10.0 m | 2.5 mtn | 100 mm | fast | v.good | Bolter, PowSaber |
Over_Lord | 17.0 m | 7.0 mtn | 310 mm | medium | poor | Q9Impact, HowitzerNuke, Larapa_Osirus |
IPBV | 20.0 m | 15.0 mtn | 200 mm | slow | poor | Shock_BigNuke/Mirv_HD/Clst_StarFlare/Larapa_L3, tracer |
PDA | 20.0 m | 15.0 mtn | 200 mm | slow | poor | Part_Neutron_I |
Flee | 15.0 m | 5.0 mtn | 150 mm | medium | good | Pulsar, Claw_II |
Spider | 8.0 m | 1.4 mtn | 80 mm | fast | good | TwinPulsar, Claw_I |
Tick | 5.0 m | .7 mtn | 60 mm | fast | good | Claw_III |
Scorpion | 12.0 m | 3.0 mtn | 140 mm | medium | good | Pyroclaw, Claw_I |
Arachnid | 30.0 m | 20.0 mtn | 300 mm | slow | poor | Laz_Tachacheon, Claw_V |
Shuttle | 18.0 m | 10.0 mtn | 100 mm | fast | fair | none |
Rover | 6.0 m | 1.0 mtn | 60 mm | medium | fair | Howitizer |
Outlaw | 10.0 m | 2.5 mtn | 120 mm | medium | fair | ShardBombs, ClsLanch, FlashBombs |
Thundran | 12.0 m | 3.6 mtn | 100 mm | fast | fair | VulcanGuns |
Mega_Duke | 16.0 m | 6.4 mtn | 160 mm | medium | medium | 20inCannon, PowSaber |
Star_Gazer | 20.0 m | 10.0 mtn | 160 mm | slow | poor | Part_MasDrv_III |
Liche | 20.0 m | 10.0 mtn | 100 mm | fast | fair | none |
Shadow_Crawler | 8.0 m | 2.0 mtn | 160 mm | fast | good | Helix, PowLance |